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CIRMS Needs Report

Identifying Needs in ionizing radiation science and technology

D.09.1 Fast Neutron Reactor Research and Development


Develop a coherent metrology program to meet the diverse and numerous demands of Department of Energy’s Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative involving a plurality of isotopes in conjunction with DOE and university laboratories. (needs editing)




(This section needs updating.)

To advance the US transition to a greater use of nuclear power, the Department of Energy (DOE) is engaged in an Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI). This initiative is focused on the development of more cost-effective use of fast reactors. The database on pertinent nuclear reactions requires up-dating and input based upon the best-available detection equipment. Such input data is needed to facilitate and anticipate life-cycle issues that may occur with such fast reactors. Within the AFCI, a cross-agency group was formed, the Nuclear Physics Working Group (NPWG), to be a forum amongst various stakeholders for the sharing of pertinent information. Generated data must be analyzed for its covariance, sensitivity and uncertainties for it to be most useful. Within the AFCI, there are several sub-topics being addressed, these are sometimes called campaigns. The specific sub-topics or campaigns, which will benefit from enhanced nuclear data, are:

The kinds of data that need to be generated on a broad plurality of isotopes, some of more interest than others to the defined sub-topic categories or campaigns, are:

Such measurements will include not only investigations into the reaction components involved in fast reactor thermo-nuclear systems, but also analyses of spent fuel.

To date, the Fast Reactor Research and Development sub-topic has begun to generate some data which will be of value in the other sub-topic categories. Instruments such as the Fission Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and the Lead Slowing Down Spectrometer (LSDS) have come into use. A new device, the Detector for Advanced Neutron Detector Experiments (DANCE), is being considered. The objective is to improve the precision of all the many diverse measurements of radio-activity encountered in nuclear fission reactions.

A multi-faceted team is proposed involving two of the DOE laboratories, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and a consortium of eight universities capable of addressing some of these needs, which are involved through the DOE Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP). To complement these measurement needs, an enhancement of the probability codes used in estimating or simulating these pertinent nuclear reactions is also needed.