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CIRMS Needs Report

Identifying Needs in ionizing radiation science and technology

D.09.1 Low Alpha Standard



We seek congressional allocation of funds of $10 million in capital costs over 2 years (with a $1 million yearly operating budget) toward a science-based initiative at NIST to secure the long term reliability and growth of semiconductors by developing and maintaining this standard. The funds will support the development of the material used in this standard. In the most likely scenario, the primary standard would be developed and maintained at NIST. NIST would also develop and deliver secondary standards to materials suppliers, leading semiconductor and systems companies in the United States. These would be used to verify the proper operation of low background detectors that will allow U.S. companies to build and use high reliability systems. This in turn will reduce the failure rate for current and emerging electronics that affect nearly all aspects of our growing digital economy.






As society moves towards being connected electronically,including self-driving cars, internet of things, bioelectronic medicines and medical devices, the reliability of the underlying chips, circuitry, transistors and semiconductor components is mandatory. Current industries such as banking, transportation, communications networks, defense and advanced manufacturing increasingly rely on faultless communications. Natural sources of radiation such as cosmic rays and low levels of impurities in mined ores used in everyday materials have detrimental effects on computer chip reliability, and even more so as chips gets smaller, more powerful and more densely packed.

During two published round-robin studies, led by industry, the lab-to-lab variability in the measurement of the same sample was larger than the current alpha-particle specification of 2 α per sq. cm. per 1000 hours.

Leading semiconductor and system companies deal with this problem today through a combination of software, redundant (read more expensive) hardware, and long delays after failure. As systems are more automated and less resilient to downtime and failure, the failures that occur today due to natural radiation will become more disruptive, expensive or fatal. There exists no national calibration measurement standard at NIST or elsewhere to calibrate the detectors used to measure the ultra-low levels of natural radiation.

With a new national radiation measurement standard, the industry will be able to select purer materials with lower natural radiation levels resulting in more reliable chips that power the economic engine of this country.
