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CIRMS Needs Report

Identifying Needs in ionizing radiation science and technology

D.18.1 Forum for Access to Specialty Tools in IRMS


The purpose of this section is to describe some of the specialty tools available in academia that can be accessed by colleagues in academia and industry. Click on one of the sortable column headings to alphabetize by that parameter.

Tools in Academia

University Faculty Member IRMS Tool Turn-around time
UT Dallas Walter Voit Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) 2–3 weeks
UT Dallas Walter Voit Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) 2–3 weeks
UT Dallas Walter Voit Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) 2–3 weeks
UT Dallas Walter Voit Cleanroom Characterization and Metrology 4–8 weeks
UT Dallas Walter Voit Cleanroom Deposition 4–8 weeks
UT Dallas Walter Voit Cleanroom Lithography 4–8 weeks


Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA)

Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)

Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)

Cleanroom Characterization and Metrology

Cleanroom Deposition

Cleanroom Lithography