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CIRMS Needs Report

Identifying Needs in ionizing radiation science and technology

B.08.2 Sorption of Radioactive Elements in Contaminated Soils and Sediments and Urban Structural and Other Materials




The study envisioned would consist initially of a relatively small group of professionals (approximately 4 6 scientists in three laboratories) over a period of 3 years. In the second stages of the investigation, several expert personnel and facilities would be brought into the project in an inter-laboratory comparison to evaluate the efficacy and reproducibility of the recommended protocol in different laboratories. The third phase would consist of the certification of benchmark radioactivity reference materials for community use.


Extensive areas of soils and sediments have been documented as having significant radioactive contamination. It is critical to evaluate the sorption of the radionuclides to soils and sediments to assess the potential of mobilization through the ecosystem, evaluate the health risk to man, and to develop cost-effective strategies for environmental remediation. The “environmental transport and biological availability” of the relevant contaminating radionuclide species is a critical issue. There is a more pressing need to remediate sites where the radionuclides may be in more mobile physico-chemical forms than sites where the contaminants are known to be firmly fixed in the matrix. Recent studies have shown that the speciation of contaminating radio-elements plays a very important role in dictating whether a radionuclide may move into the environment and the food chain. How then does one measure environmental transport and bioavailability of contaminant radionuclides? Unfortunately, there is no widely accepted method available for measurement of this parameter. On the other hand, numerous studies have been performed that involve use of various chemical extraction procedures for separating soil samples into several operationally defined fractions. The interpretation of where an ion appears in such a sequential extraction scheme is often used as a surrogate for the potential mobility of that radioelement in the environment and its bioavailability. In other words, one commonly interprets a species as “mobile” or “labile” if it is present in one of the early, less harsh, treatments in a typical sequential extraction series. A “refractory” label is often assigned should the analyzed material respond to one of the latter, more vigorous, treatments. Although these interpretations are somewhat qualitative in nature, the information is far more useful than simply reporting the total concentration of radioactive elements in samples.

Figure 1 Soil sampling for radioactive contamination


In the CIRMS “Second Report on National Needs in Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards,” published in October, 1998, this MPD appeared as MPD B.5 and the related MPD B.3. A new MPD number has been assigned, MPD B.8, to avoid confusion with MPD B.5 that had appeared in the first CIRMS “Report on National Needs in Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards,” published in January, 1995, that covered a different topic, and MPD B.5 in the second report.