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CIRMS Needs Report

Identifying Needs in ionizing radiation science and technology

C.04.4 Improvements in In-Vivo Radionuclide Metrology





Non-invasive in vivo and in-vitro radiobioassay (whole-body and organ counting, and urine, feces and tissue radio-analysis, respectively) of personnel working with radionuclides or materials with potential radioactive contamination is a primary method employed in dosimetry for routine occupational monitoring and accident assessment.

The variability among “homemade” and de facto reference phantoms can account for up to an 80% difference among measurement laboratory results [Kramer, G. H., Loesch, R. L., and Olsen, P. C. “The Second International In-Vivo Intercomparison Program for Whole Body Counting Facilities by Canadian and United States Agencies;” Health Physics 80(3), 214-224 (2001)]. Measurement comparability and consistency can be ensured through calibrations based on national standard realistic human-surrogates (calibration phantoms). In addition, site-specific (organ specific) quantitative assessment requires new measurement technology and 3 D tomography. A solution to the problem of measurement differences is the continued development of technological and measurement quality assurance bases for quantitative site-specific in vivo radiobioassay. This is a recommendation of the International Workshop on Standard Phantoms for In Vivo Radioactivity Measurements [Health Physics, 61, 893 (1991)].

Similarly, the variability of in-vitro radiobioassay measurements is largely due to sampling heterogeneity and non-equilibrium of chemical yield monitors with the analytes of interest during sample preparation. While sample heterogeneity problems may be improved by taking larger or more samples, problems of completely equilibrating the chemical yield monitors with the analyte in the sample is largely dependent on the chemical speciation of the analyte. For example, refractory plutonium particles in the lung or in fecal samples could be underestimated by 15-50 percent if insufficiently aggressive dissolution methods were used. Even in cases where the analyte is easily solubilized, precision of analysis of radionuclides in synthetic urine and fecal test samples is of the order of 10-15 percent (Wu,, BERM Conference Proceedings). To improve these capabilities, there is a need for the development of new reference materials and traceable Proficiency Testing programs to continue to evaluate and improve the measurement community’s capabilities.