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CIRMS Needs Report

Identifying Needs in ionizing radiation science and technology

Radiation Protection and Homeland Security

Through the first three CIRMS Needs Reports (1994, 1998 and 2001), CIRMS maintained a distinction between the subcommittees on Public and Environmental Radiation Protection (PERP) and Occupational Radiation Protection (ORP). Measurement program descriptions (MPDs) were generated by both of these subcommittees: PERPs were designated with a B and ORPs with a C. Numerical designations came out of line as different MPDs were generated. One has to go back to these earlier reports which can be found on the CIRMS web site to see these. By the 2004 Needs Report, CIRMS had melded the PERP and ORP subcommittees into one and augmented their needs with a growing need for metrology as required by the newly formed Department of Homeland Security.

Background information on PERP and ORP, taken from the fourth Needs Report (2004) can be found in Appendix F and in the history of CIRMS, Appendix B. The new subcommittee combining the original PERP, ORP and Homeland Security seeks to maintain the MPDs listed below.


Emerging Areas

Existing Measurement Program Descriptions (MPDs)

New Measurement Program Descriptions (MPDs)